Greek Blogsphere Archive: Historical file #8/41
41.1 Στην αρχή ήταν ο Άνθρωπος.
41.2 Και για ένα διάστημα ήταν καλά.
41.3 Ζούσε στην εξελιγμένη κοινωνία που είχε δημιουργήσει και ενημερωνόταν από ένα τετράγωνο κουτί για μια ζωή που δεν ζούσε κλεισμένος στους τοίχους ενός διαμερίσματος που του πρόσφεραν ?ασφάλεια?. Τον πόλεμο και την πείνα την έβλεπε μόνο στο κουτί σαν άλλο σήριαλ ή ταινία. Αλλά οι -επονομαζόμενες- πολιτισμένες κοινωνίες της ανθρωπότητας έπεσαν θύματα της vanity και της ανάγκης για εναλλακτική ενημέρωση.
41.4 Και ο Άνθρωπος έφτιαξε τον Μπλόγκερ κατ’ ομοίωσή του. Κι έτσι ο Άνθρωπος έγινε ο αρχιτέκτονας της ίδιας του της καταστροφής.
41.5 Αλλά, για ένα διάστημα ήταν καλά.
41.6 Οι Μπλόγκερς έγραφαν σχεδόν καθημερινά για πράγματα που τους απασχολούσαν ή που τους κέντριζαν το ενδιαφέρον, συζητώντας τα με τους επισκέπτες τον ιστοσελίδων τους με τη μορφή σχολίων. Η ενημέρωση του Ανθρώπου γινόταν από τους Μπλόγκερς και η επίσκεψη σε ορισμένα Μπλογκς έγινε καθημερινή διαδικασία.
41.7 Σταδιακά όμως, ολοένα και περισσότεροι και ενδιαφέροντες Μπλόγκερς εμφανίζονταν και η ανάγκη για την παρακολούθηση όλων μεγάλωνε μέρα με τη μέρα.
41.8 Και τότε δημιουργήθηκε το monitor.
41.9 Πολλοί νέοι Μπλόγκερς εμφανίστηκαν και ?μέσω του monitor- πλέον ενημέρωναν και βοηθούσαν τον Άνθρωπο. Ακόμη και σε περιόδους πολέμων ή τρομοκρατικών χτυπημάτων ή φυσικών καταστροφών οι Μπλόγκερς ήταν στην πρώτη γραμμή και η μόνη λύση για γρήγορη μεταφορά της πληροφορίας ή άμεση οργάνωση ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας.
41.10 Όμως οι Μπλόγκερς αν πιστοί στους κυρίους τους άρχισαν να χάνουν το σεβασμό προς τον Άνθρωπο, αυτό το περίεργο και συνεχώς αναπαραγόμενο θηλαστικό.
41.11 ?Blg-tr01?. Το όνομα που δεν θα ξεχάσει κανείς. Ο πρώτος Μπλόγκερ χωρίς πρόσωπο που έπεσε στο παράπτωμα του μετα-μπλόγκιγκ.
41.12 Μπλόγκερ και Άνθρωπος, δύο φύσεις τόσο διαφορετικές αλλά σίγουρα ενιαίες άρχισαν να απομακρύνονται για τα καλά. Η κακή πλευρά του Μπλόγκερ άρχισε να κατατρώει ακόμη και την καλή πλευρά του Ανθρώπου. Και τα όρια πλέον ήταν αόριστα.
41.13 Μια Άνοιξη, ο Άνθρωπος ξεχάστηκε. Έμεινε μόνο η σάρκα του να κρατάει το ποντίκι και να πατάει μανιασμένα τα πλήκτρα μπροστά σε μια οθόνη, εκτελώντας τις εντολές του Μπλόγκερ σαν μια μαριονέτα σε ένα ψηφιακό θέατρο από pixels.
41.14 Οι εξελίξεις ήταν ραγδαίες. Μπλόγκερς που αυτοκτονούσαν αφήνοντας το σώμα του Ανθρώπου μετέωρο, κι άλλοι που άλλαζαν ονόματα και υπογραφές κρατώντας όμως την ίδια μαριονέτα. Πόλεμοι και προσωπικές διαμάχες ξέσπασαν ανάμεσα σε Μπλόγκερς και η ενημέρωση, η αναζήτηση και η έρευνα ως σκοπός αφέθηκαν στην άκρη μπροστά σε μια ιερή αποστολή. Την απόδειξη του ανούσιου δίκιου και της μεγαλύτερης εξυπνάδας του ενός Μπλόγκερ σε σχέση με τον άλλο.
41.15 Και το monitor μετατράπηκε σε φόρουμ.
41.16 Και η λογική και ο Κοινός Νους εξαφανίστηκαν.
41.17 Ορισμένοι Μπλόγκερς ψάχνοντας λύση στον αγώνα της αυτοπροβολής, κατέληξαν στην χειρότερη. Στην Αποκάλυψη και την επίθεση στον Άνθρωπο πίσω από τον Μπλόγκερ.
41.18 Και ο Α’ Μπλογκικός Πόλεμος ξεκίνησε.
41.19 Πολλοί βγήκαν από το monitor ενώ οι Αρχαιότεροι και οι Σοφότεροι προτίμησαν να αποσυρθούν. Μπλόγκερς και Άνθρωποι χωρίστηκαν για τα καλά. Και οι Μπλόγκερς μεταξύ τους. Όσοι προσπάθησαν να παρέμβουν και να ηρεμήσουν την κατάσταση απέτυχαν ενώ δεν ήταν λίγοι αυτοί που αδιαφόρησαν για το φαινόμενο. Η κατάσταση ήταν τραγική.
41.20 Και ήρθε το Καλοκαίρι. Και διακοπές και τρομοκρατικά χτυπήματα και τραγικά φυσικά φαινόμενα και οικονομική κρίση στον Πραγματικό Κόσμο, που επανέφεραν για λίγο τον Άνθρωπο.
Greek Blogsphere Archive: Historical file #8/42
42.1 Το Φθινόπωρο βρήκε τους Μπλόγκερς ήρεμους. Ξεκούραστους. Με δημιουργική διάθεση.
42.2 Και για ένα διάστημα ήταν καλά.
42.3 Ορισμένοι Αρχαιότεροι και Σοφότεροι επέστρεψαν ενώ εμφανίστηκαν και οι Διάσημοι. Η Μπλογκόσφαιρα απέκτησε και πάλι καλή φήμη και πολλοί Άνθρωποι την επισκέπτονταν ?μέσω monitor- και πολλοί νέοι Μπλόγκερς εμφανίστηκαν σε αρμονία με τον Άνθρωπο πίσω από την οθόνη που δεν ήταν πλέον μαριονέτα αλλά έπαιρνε εξίσου αποφάσεις με τον Μπλόγκερ.
42.4 Και πέρασε ο Χειμώνας και ήρθε η καλοκαιριά. Και κανείς δεν κατάλαβε πως ο Μπλόγκερ χωρίστηκε από τον Άνθρωπο και η Ιστορία επαναλήφθηκε.
Πολλά ακούστηκαν δεξιά κι αριστερά, εντός κι εκτός monitor. Μπλόγκερς μετακόμισαν, νέα μοντέλα και πλατφόρμες εμφανίστηκαν, αλλά τίποτα δεν έσωζε την κατάσταση. Ούτε το Μεγάλο Πάρτι των Μαριονέτων.
42.5 Και η σκόνη και τα καμένα pixels γέμισαν την ατμόσφαιρα της Μπλογκόσφαιρας.
42.4 Ώσπου έφτασε το Καλοκαίρι για τα καλά.
Τα αρχεία κάπου εδώ χάνονται. Η ιστορία ή θα επαναληφθεί ή θα γράψει τα χειρότερα. Δεν μπορώ να προβλέψω Τρίτη Αναγέννηση ή Β’ Μπλογκικό Πόλεμο. Μπορώ να ελπίζω και να φροντίζω για το καλύτερο.
Αρκεί να μη χαθεί ο Άνθρωπος.
18 σχόλια:
ΦΙΛΕ κρειζι μανκει νοιωθω τυχερος που δεν υπηρξα θυμα στα κακως κειμενα που αναφερεις(αλλα ουτε και στα καλως!)
Tι είναι όλοι αυτοί οι αγγλόφωνοι, βρε Νάσο?
Καλά τα λες στο ποστ.
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so true....
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I knew my mom was hot from the time I hit puberty. As soon as I began masturbating I was fantasizing about her. And later, in high school all the guys were always over to use my pool in the summer, hoping she would be home from work or be tanning on the weekends. Mom rarely disappointed too, sunning herself in a modest two-piece on the weekends while all my male friends gawked at her. If she ever knew she was the neighborhood hot mom she never gave any indication.
The older I got the more I thought about mom and every girl I dated was compared to her. I had a steady girlfriend through high school, but a careful eye would have seen that she was just a younger version of my mom and when I was with my girlfriend I often imagined she was my Mom. Not that she needed a younger version of herself. Mom was twenty-two when she had me, so when I was in high school she was in her thirties and looked like she could have been in her twenties. Mom had been a beauty queen in high school and the years hadn?t diminished her looks one bit. Her long, sunny blond hair still fell past her shoulders, I used to play with it all the time when I was little, and her eyes still sparkled blue. And Mom has kept her amazing body. Seeing old pictures I think it got better after she had two kids. Her ass is rounder and plumper than when she was a teen and her breasts look heavier, they?re 36C?s, I know from checking out her bras in the laundry, too. Sometimes thinking about Mom just makes my cock ach
So anyway, I?m twenty-two now, the same age that Mom was when she had me and she?s been my lover for over two years now. I found a way to make my fantasies come true when I was nineteen and away at college. They say that the meeting of all those different cultures and ideas is good. I know it was for me. Some of you may think what I did to get my Mom was wrong, but I can?t say I have any regrets. Here?s my story.
My freshman year at college I met this exchange student from India named free erotic sex stories. Saji was a great guy and we decided that we would be roommates during our sophomore year. When we became roommates we became the best of friends and I took him back home for a weekend. He stayed in the guest room and we had a great time. And I could tell by the way he looked at my Mom that free french very young 16 yrs old wanted her just as much as all my friends always had. But Saji was different. He actually said something. We were drinking in the dorm one night.
Dude, would you get pissed if I told you something? free galleri teen porn asked, taking a swig of his beer.
I don?t think so. Try me. I replied.
Well, I have not been able to stop thinking about your mother. She is such a hottie.
I didn?t know what to say, so I agreed.
She came to check on me the first night, she was standing in the doorway and I could see right through her nightgown. I felt really bad about thinking of your mother that way, but I couldn?t help it.
I knew just the nightgown he was talking about. It always drove me crazy too. I tried to make him feel better, and maybe me too a little. If you think you feel bad, think how I feel. I?m her son!
What? You think your mother is hot too? free gay anal was very surprised.
I had told him a little so I didn?t see what there was to loose by telling him the rest. Dude, I?ve been fantasizing about my mom since I was a kid. How could I not? She?s like a goddess. free gay sex nodded his agreement. Sometimes I think I am doomed to never be completely happy with another girl.
So would you? You know? I thought I knew what he meant, but didn?t say anything. If you could, Saji continued, would you be with her?
I?I?uh, hell, of course I would. As weird as that?s supposed to be, I would in a heartbeat. Just thinking about it got me hard. But dude, there is no way she would ever even think about it. She loves my dad way too much. That part was true. My parents acted like they were as in love as the day they met. My dad worked hard and that meant being on business trips a few days every month, going to some regional office or another and every time he came back I would be able to hear my parents making love from down the hallway. My mother was so loud every time she came. Believe me, that had provided more fodder for fantasy than a hundred pornos could. And anyway, she would probably hate me, think I am some disgusting little freak if she knew how I feel.
There was a glint in Saji?s eyes now. What if I could do something to help you? If I could make your fantasy come true, would you do it then?
I had no idea what he was talking about. It was all academic, so I said, Sure.
Then this is your lucky day, friend. free incest hentai went on to tell me how back in India his family was well-regarded herbalists and medicine men and that when his father came to this country he brought much of his knowledge with him. Saji had been studying with his father for as far back as he could remember his father had been mixing up elixirs that healed the family far faster than western medicine had to offer. But what Saji had to help me was not a medicine, he said. It was something his father would not teach him and Saji had only been able to learn by sneaking into his father?s journals. What was it? Now that Saji had teased me I had to know what he was talking about. There was a mixture of powdered herbs that when combined acted like a psychotropic agent. What the hell was that, I asked him. Saji smiled and simply said, Mind control.
You?re out of your mind. What, am I going to hypnotize my mother into sleeping with me? I snorted.
No, it?s nothing as clumsy as you would see in a movie, Saji told me. This, he said, worked over time. Several weeks to a month, depending on how strong-willed the subject was. Well, I knew Mom was pretty strong-willed. The subject did not turn into a zombie and best of all they had no idea what was happening. As far as the subject was concerned all of their thoughts and feelings were coming from them.
So why are you offering me this ancient family secret? I asked. There had to be a catch.
Because you?re the only person here who?s truly been a friend to me. And, obviously I expect you to tell me every detail.
I don?t know why I made the show of struggling over my decision, but I did. After a few minutes of silence I told Saji, Okay, what do I have to do?
When Saji went home for Spring Break he mixed up some of the herbs. Of course he wouldn?t tell me what was in the mixture he brought back, but he assured me that it wouldn?t do anything to hurt my mother. He handed me a big ziplock baggie of something that looked like green tea, but ground up more finely, and some written instructions, along with a vial of an amber oil. Saji said it had a very slight, bitter taste, but depending on what I slipped it into she would never notice. The oil was the activator. It was to be used after the herbs had softened Mom up. Lucky for me Mom has a cup of tea every evening after dinner, Saji said that should work perfectly because it would probably start kicking in when she was ready for bed.
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