Στο Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends, ένα άρθρο για μια web-based κοινότητα 80.000 περίπου επιστημόνων που λύνουν βιολογικά και χημικά προβλήματα για λογαριασμό μεγάλων εταιριών.
"Back in 2001, the management of Eli Lilly decided to see if thousands of researchers around the world, and available via the Web, could help its own scientists to find new ideas. And it decided to invest a few million dollars in a young startup company, InnoCentive, short for ?Innovation Incentive.? Eli Lilly was soon followed by Procter & Gamble, Dow, DuPont, Boeing and more than 30 other large companies."
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