I want to tell you you brighten my day / make all my problems disapear
I want to fall asleep in your arms / get lost forever in your eyes
I want to smile as you tease my hair / and forgive you anytime you say your sorry
I want to tickle your stomach / and tell you your sweet
I want to sit in the rain / holding your hand..
let the drops fall into my hair, lay under the stars / point them out and get a kiss from you
I want to cry with hapiness / so you can wipe the tears from my face
I want to laugh when you tease me / and thank you when u please me
I wanna be with you for the time that I can / and be the person you trust.
I want to sing you to sleep / and touch your soft skin
I want to sit in the rain / holding your hand..
let the drops fall into my hair, lay under the stars / point them out and get a kiss from you
I want to hold you when you cry / be there when you need me
I want to tell you your special / and be there to massage your back
I want to whisper in your ear / and and make you crazy
I want to be there to encourage you / and make you smile when your embarassed
I want to make you blush / and reassure you your the most beautiful person I know..
I just want to make you happy.
+ CrazyMonkey-The End of Day.rar (5,64 ΜΒ)
4 σχόλια:
Ποιός είπε ότι η Σαλονίκη δεν είναι πια ερωτική πολη???
And I just wanna say thank you ;-)
@Γεώργιος Χοιροβοσκός:
Εγώ το είπα. Αλλά δεν μίλησα για μη ερώτικούς ανθρώπους.
Why thnk me? No need to.
Χαίρομαι που σου άρεσε κι αν θέλεις έχω κι άλλα ;-)
Καλώς έχει καλή εντύπωση για τους Σαλονικιούς.
Enjoyed a lot! » » »
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